A Dogumentary – 5 Steps to Find the Right Dog

How do you find your perfect dog?

To answer that question, Dr Meg Howe, founder of Perfect Match Puppy, interviewed dog experts from around the world.

From their advice on choosing a dog she identified 5 crucial steps that would lead people to their ideal canine companion.

If you are ready for your perfect dog, watch “A Dogumentary” first!

Choosing a dog can be very confusing…

The perfect dog for you is out there, but navigating your way around the bewildering array of choices needed to zero in on him is difficult.  And this is a choice you are going to be stuck with for the next decade or more! What if you get it wrong?

For a start, out of the hundreds of breeds of dog available, how do you know which one is right for you?

And once you’ve got that sorted, how can you tell a breeder who breeds puppies for lifelong physical and mental health from one that doesn’t?

Once you get that right, and you’re faced with choosing from a squirming litter of adorable puppies, what should you be looking for?

And when you take him home, what critical steps do you need to take, in his first few weeks with you,  to give him the right start in life, and realise his potential to be your perfect dog?

A Dogumentary was made to help you answer those questions and find your next ideal canine companion…

The Full Version of A Dogumentary

The full version of A Dogumentary is now available!.   It comprises over an hour of interviews with top canine professionals (see below).

Watch the full version Dogumentary here –

Together we explore the 5 crucial steps that can lead you to your perfect match canine companion:

1. Pick the right breed,

2. Find a good breeder,

3. Choose the right litter

4. Select a puppy with the right personality for your family.

5. Get early rearing right!  Set him up for a successful life with you.by investing time at the very start for socialising and potty training.

Are you ready for your perfect dog? You can get started right now by taking the free dog breed quiz where you will also find heaps of helpful information to guide you.

Experts Interviewed by Dr Meg for ``A Dogumentary``

Dr Ian Dunbar PhD BVetMed  MRCVS

Veterinarian, author, animal behaviorist, and dog trainer, host  of popular UK TV show “Dogs with Dunbar” plus the “father” of the puppy preschool concept.

Professor James Serpell, BSc, PhD

Author and veterinarian, plus Marie A. Moore Professor of Ethics & Animal Welfare, and Director, Center for the Interaction of Animals and Society., at University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine

Dr Pauleen Charmayne Bennett PhD, BArts, BBSc MPsyc

Registered dog breeder, plus Director of Regional Operations (School of Psychological Science), Associate Professor
Faculty of Science, Department of Psychology, Latrobe University.

Professor Jerold S Bell, DVM

Veterinarian plus Clinical Associate Professor of Genetics, Tufts University, US.

Diana Andersen  

Photographer, author, dog breeder.  Animalinfo Publications, WA, Australia.

Judy Flanagan

General Manager,  Shenton Park Dogs Refuge Home, WA, Australia.

Sarah McMullen  BSc AdCert VN

Proprietor of Clever Creatures plus behaviourist, trainer, lecturer and author, WA, Australia.

Derek (Del) and Leiani Fisk

Dog trainers and proprietors of Alert Dog Training, WA, Australia.

Australian Association of Pet Dog Breeders 

1.    Jodie Knox, President .
2.    Matthew Hams, Committee member.
3.    Liz and Larry Sears, Committee member.


Plus interviews with dog owners:

John Stuart
Chenelle Orchard
Stacey Robinson

Nickey Perrer
Siobhian Harbron
Paige Atkinson

Chanelle Dumas
Davina Eden-Austen
Caitlin Read