Dr Ian Dunbar PhD BVetMed MRCVS
Veterinarian, author, animal behaviorist, and dog trainer, host of popular UK TV show “Dogs with Dunbar” plus the “father” of the puppy preschool concept.
Professor James Serpell, BSc, PhD
Author and veterinarian, plus Marie A. Moore Professor of Ethics & Animal Welfare, and Director, Center for the Interaction of Animals and Society., at University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
Dr Pauleen Charmayne Bennett PhD, BArts, BBSc MPsyc
Registered dog breeder, plus Director of Regional Operations (School of Psychological Science), Associate Professor
Faculty of Science, Department of Psychology, Latrobe University.
Professor Jerold S Bell, DVM
Veterinarian plus Clinical Associate Professor of Genetics, Tufts University, US.